Friday, March 05, 2010

Voodoo Death

I was of the opinion that the false doctrine of hiv-aids was destroying people's lives and robbing the taxpayers of billions of dollars.  At the time, in the nineties, I was very upset;  it was as though there was a holocaust going on and nobody was aware of it.  Now I am more resigned that even with the evidence in the open, just think of all the things aids was supposed to do and did not, the reigning paradigm will not be overturned.  I tried to tell my doctor what I had discovered and he told me how he had a patient who had an aids test and tested positive at the height of the aids hysteria in the late eighties.  He told me that he had died of aids.  I asked him if the man had been treated with AZT.  "Yes", he said.
    Imagine, if you will,  that you go to your doctor and, following some tests, he tells you grimly that you have a fatal and incurable disease and can be expected to live no more than a few years, then he tells you that it is contagious and you cannot have relations with your wife.  Doctors have great authority.  Once when the same doctor asked me if I ever had fainting spells because my cholesterol was high, I nearly fainted 3 times driving home.  Then imagine after being convinced that you are doomed to die a horrible death of a wasting disease, you are treated with a potent toxic chemotherapy drug which itself is able to collapse your immune system;  there is proof before your eyes.  This is the same technique that witch doctors use to eliminate an enemy in cultures that practice voodoo.



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